A Very Fun Night on the Will Wash Podcast! Oh and Celebrating Nyree's Birthday

So Tuesday night I was invited to be a guest on Will Wash's Podcast. When Will first asked me to be a guest, I had to wonder why he wanted me to be on because I really don't find myself to be very interesting or even entertaining but I figured I would help out a friend and put my fear of boring his fans aside. But I knew it was going to take a glass of wine to feel comfortable behind the mic. Instead it took a bottle and half of wine (Will & I shared) and great conversation to survive my first podcast.

It ended up being a success. We had a great conversation and was able to cover a variety of topics from dating, religion and even added a few of my own personal accounts...thanks to my friend "Pinot Grigio. Well, listen to what we had to say.

After my debut, I headed over to Policy to celebrate my girl, Nyree's birthday. Happy Birthday Chica! Policy is definitely the place to be on a Tuesday night. It's very reminiscent of 1223 (R.I.P) circa 2003-2004. The DJ was rocking and the goose was flowing but by 1am the lights turned on and the party was over. For the young professional who wants to get their party on and be in bed by 1:30, Policy is the place to be on a Tuesday night.

1904 14th Street NW,
Washington DC


Anonymous said...

Will Wash is a legend!!!!!!!


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